If some bit of gossip come
File the thing away
If a scandalous, spicy crumb
File the thing away
If suspicion comes to you
That your neighbor is not true
Let me tell you what to do
File the thing away
Do this for a little while
Then go out and burn the file
Gossip is like mud thrown on a clean wall
File the thing away
If a scandalous, spicy crumb
File the thing away
If suspicion comes to you
That your neighbor is not true
Let me tell you what to do
File the thing away
Do this for a little while
Then go out and burn the file
Gossip is like mud thrown on a clean wall
It may not stick but it always leaves a dirty mark
Believe not half you hear - repeat not half you believe
Believe not half you hear - repeat not half you believe
When you hear an evil report, halve it, then quarter it
And say nothing about the rest of it
Beware of a half-truth - you may have gotten the wrong half
Rumor is the most buoyant thing there is
Beware of a half-truth - you may have gotten the wrong half
Rumor is the most buoyant thing there is
It is easy to float one & hard to sink it
Gossip is one form of crime for which the law provides no punishment
The slanderer differs from the assassin only in that he murders the reputation instead of the body
The critical tongue gets its orders from an untrained eye
Gossip is one form of crime for which the law provides no punishment
The slanderer differs from the assassin only in that he murders the reputation instead of the body
The critical tongue gets its orders from an untrained eye
an unthoughtful mind, & an ungrateful heart
You'll never move up if you're continually running somebody down
It is well to remember that mansions in the sky cannot be built out of the mud thrown at others
A critical spirit comes from self-righteousness
If you know you're a mess yourself
You'll never move up if you're continually running somebody down
It is well to remember that mansions in the sky cannot be built out of the mud thrown at others
A critical spirit comes from self-righteousness
If you know you're a mess yourself
you don't go around criticizing other people for their mistakes
but if you think you're so righteous
that's when you start picking on other people.
"I will speak ill of no man, not even in a matter of truth
"I will speak ill of no man, not even in a matter of truth
but rather excuse the fault I hear & upon proper occasion
speak all the good I know of everybody." – Benjamin Franklin
(Author unknown)
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