The Breaking News
On 15 October 2002, at about 5.30pm, when I was still working in my office (at Kota Kinabalu), I received a call from my youngest sister, Diana, from Kuala Lumpur.
Her voice was trembling when she said, "Jeh (sister), ko-ko (our brother, Kenny) has met with a terrible accident… and he is now….he is in comma at Putrajaya Hospital…"
I could hear that she was really shaken and was trying to control her emotion to break the bad news. I told her to be calm and ask to speak to my mom. But my mom was not available so I asked for dad. Daddy came to the phone and only managed to call my name, "Ying,… your……" and he paused for a long time. He was so emotional that he could not even say more than a word. I have not heard my dad speaking to me in such an emotional tone before, Daddy used to be so calm over all matters and in all kind of situations. I know that he was in tears over the other side of the phone. So again I told him to be calm and assured him that things are going to be okay. I also told them to pray for Kenny. After I put down the phone, tears just rolled down my cheeks. As I force it back, immediately I called my cell members and some church members to pray for Kenny.
What I have been praying
You see, I was a Buddhist at my free will upon reaching age of majority. All my family members are Buddhist.
But, God is Good. I was a lost sheep but now I am found due to God’s grace.
Since then I have been praying for my parents and all my immediate family. I prayed continuously and also preached to them whenever I returned home, but nothing seems to happen.
Early October 2002, during a Sunday service, Pastor Susan Tang was sharing about the importance of prayers. So I went forward to ask God, " God, I have been praying for my family, but how come nothing happen? God, please, please, please answer my prayer…"
Few days later, on the way to Lawas, I told my husband, Vincent, " I suddenly can sense that God is going to reveal something to us very soon. And it is going to be something great." Vincent thought I was crazy, but he just kept quiet and did not want to discourage me.
My prayer about Kenny
At about 9.00pm the same night (15 October 2002), my sister, Diana, called again, and told me that Kenny was in a very critical condition. His brain, his heart, his lungs were badly injured.
I asked for my mum and managed to speak to her. She was extremely shaken by the whole incident and cried to me, "Please, please pray for your bother…."
"I will mom…."
"The doctor … he is a good and famous brain surgeon … he said tonight is the critical night, if Kenny can wake up by tomorrow, he is going to be fine… he is going to be fine… I know he is…."
"Yes, mom, he is …."
"The doctors can’t do anything now, coz’ Kenny’s brain is clogged with blood, but he says our prayers are going to save Kenny…. Ying, please pray for your brother, please…."
I assured my mum that a lot of people from my church and my cell group were praying for Kenny and miracle was going to happen.
I was trembling inside, but I need to give full support to my mum. I know her fear, oh yes, I know.
After I put down the phone, I knelt down and cried out to God, I said, "Oh God, please, please save Kenny. Please do not let him go – for he has not come to know you. Oh heavenly Father please have mercy, please save Kenny. Please perform miracle to save Kenny. Raise him just like what Jesus have done for Lazarus."
And I promised God that if God would perform miracle to save Kenny, I would testify about Him.
(Most probably at this juncture, most of you might think, oh great, miracle must have happened and Kenny is alright now, that’s why I am here giving my testimony.)
The day to remember – 16 October 2002
My brother, Kenny, better known as Dr. Kenny Lim (he was a plant doctor), was only 32 year old. He was a young, brilliant and interesting guy. After he had his lunch with his colleagues on 15 October 2002, he parked his car across his working (landscape) site at Putrajaya and he was trying to cross the road to the site when he was knock down by a speeding Kancil. He was thrown back and landed on the back of his head. Less than 24 hours after the accident, he left behind his parents, 3 sisters, his wife and 3 kids on 16 October 2002 about 11.00am, without any last words. I managed to rush back that very morning and all of us were at his bed when he departed.
At that very moment, mum almost collapsed. It is too much for a mother who has raised his son for 32 years to witness his sudden death at such young age. She asked at that very sad moment, "Why miracle did not happen? Why? Why?…"
This is the worst nightmare for every parent, the worst nightmare for every wife.
And deep in my heart I could not help but wonder, I have cried out to God. God must have heard me, and I know God is in control of everything - but WHY God, WHY you allow this to happen? WHY?
Yes, I was very sad, and in one way disappointed, because I was so sure God is going to answer my prayer and I was so sure miracle is going to happen, and I was so sure Kenny was going to wake up. I was so sure …. I know Lazarus was raised from death, I know God performs miracle across the world, …. But I do not know WHY. Nevertheless, I did not blame God, not even a single second. Because I know all things work for the good to those who love Him and have been called according to His purpose.
Brothers and Sisters, do you remember what I have prayed about Kenny? I prayed, "God, please save Kenny. Please do not let him go – for he has not come to know you. Please have mercy, let miracle happen..."
Brothers and Sisters, do you know that God has indeed answered my prayers? Miracle did happened. I did not realise it until much later.

Miracle did happened!
You see, right after I prayed for Kenny on the night of 15th October 2002, Pastor Richard called. He said he would like to arrange someone to go to the hospital to pray for Kenny. At that point of time, Kenny has been transferred to a private hospital in Jalan Ampang. Suddenly it struck me that I need to get someone to go to hospital immediately. Vincent quickly helped me to contact one of his cousins in Subang Jaya, Pastor James Foo. We only managed to contact Pastor James at about midnight and he rushed to the hospital to pray for my brother. Pastor James again went to the hospital few hours later about 5.00am to pray for Kenny again when Kenny’s condition worsen.
And guess what, Pastor James and my sis-in-law were used by the Lord as the vessels to assist Kenny to accept Lord Jesus at the hospital. And Kenny came to know the Lord at the very last moment of his life. Miracle did happened! Kenny was indeed SAVED at the eleventh hour!! God heard my prayer and He has answered my prayer! All these happened because God allows. By God’s grace, Kenny was saved! Praise the Lord!
Both my sis-in-law, Gigi and I are very sure that at this very moment Kenny is with the Lord Jesus Christ and he has returned to the kingdom of the Lord. Even during my sharing with our relatives and friends, I assured each and every one of them that Kenny is now in a better place called Heaven and we are going to see him again.
Christian ceremony for Kenny
God is great! We have Christian service for Kenny. Kenny was so blessed, he got 3 different pastors conducting the memorial and funeral service on three different days. Closed friends and relatives were so surprised to see that we have Christian service - knowing very well that my family is a Buddhist family. God is just simply amazing.
For the first night, during the memorial service, I was sitting side by side with my parents, my sisters, Gigi, nephews and niece. Suddenly, I was so amazed by how God works. I have always wanted to be at a service with my family. And there I was, a pastor was preaching in front and I have all my family members sitting beside me. If by my own strength, how could this happen?
Have I said the Wrong Prayer?
Then suddenly I remembered what I have always prayed about my family. I have asked God to open their eyes to see God. Now I am here with them at a service due to my brother’s departure…. Oh, my God, have I said the wrong prayer?
If I knew that by praying such prayers would cause my brother to leave us at such an early age, would I have said the prayer? If you were in my shoes, would you have said the prayer? I’m quite sure you wouldn’t. Because I know I wouldn’t. I would think of some others way or delay the whole matter with lame excuses….
I was very much disturbed by such thoughts. That thought most probably is from Satan - just to make me feel so guilty about myself. But by the following day, after I shared about Kenny during the second night service, a university mate of Kenny came forward and told me these,
"When I was in university, my sister always shares about the gospels. I only come to know God recently. That’s the best gift a sister can give it to her bother. And today, you have given the best gift to your brother too!!"
Immediately, I knew those words were from God. No, I have not said the wrong prayer, but instead I have given the best gift to my brother whom I loved so much.
Later that week, a friend, Pauline, assured me that my prayer has not caused "death". She told me that a life span of a person has been predestined. Whatever Satan wants it for bad – like this tragedy, God will turn it to be good.

Have Faith. Continue to Pray
I believe that there is a good purpose behind this whole incident. I may not be able to understand fully at this moment of the time, but I have faith, that God has plan for our family in His timing.
The good news is that my sister-in-law, Gigi too accepted Christ two days after Kenny accepted Christ and I am sure she will find peace and joy that the whole world cannot offer.
I continued to pray for my family members.
Prayers are very powerful.
Sometimes, God may not answer our prayers according to what we, human kind, wanted, but do have faith, because our heavenly Father knows what is best for us. Amen.
For God’s Kingdom,
Christina Lim
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