It's not your circumstances that determine your happiness; it's your state of mind.
Happiness and contentment are in your attitude! It's all in your perspective and your outlook. It's a matter of taking on God’s mind, of looking at situations and circumstances and even yourself through His eyes, seeing things from His view—even if you have to take it by faith.
There's just no reason to be discouraged, to feel down, and to let the things of this world get to you. Why should such trivial things muddy your view, steal your joy, and bring defeat and discouragement?
Seek to be triumphant, and that spirit of victory will become alive in you. Search for ways to see the good in all that is happening, and you will begin to live the good.
Turn to God for your happiness and stability and that's what you will find. Desire contentment in how things are today, not how they could be, and you will find the satisfaction you long for.
The Enemy of your soul only has claim to what you give him. He cannot steal your joy and happiness away; it's your choice whether he can take it. He will taunt you, he will hit you with everything, and he will haggle you until you give in, or better yet, until you turn around and tell him to get lost.
Happiness, fulfillment, satisfaction, contentment, peace, and joy are not contingent on the things of the physical, on your surroundings, on your lacks or problems, but they are contingent on your choices.
Choose to be victorious regardless of how you feel in the physical and that choice will become reality. Choose contentment over all the things the Enemy's pointing out to you to get your eyes off of the Lord, and as you make that decision you will find contentment.
Life's greatest lessons are mastered through learning to make something good out of the seeming bad. It's being faced with a difficult and troublesome time and rather than getting down about it, rejoicing for the good that can be found, or if none can be found, then being thankful for the sunny days and the happy times that you have known and that are yet to come.
That is how you will find the victory. The difficulties and struggles will not necessarily vanish, but the weight of them will not seem as heavy, for you will have placed them in God’s hand. Remember, victory is a state of mind.
What's your state of mind?
Author: Unknown
error what i meant was i should have read ur article yesterday itself ..... not today as typed :)
Hi Aud - glad to be able to help. GBU.
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