Sunday, February 8, 2009

Why Meditate


What is Meditation?

Text from Activate Magazine September 08

By simple definition, meditation is continued or extended contemplation, especially of a spiritual or devotional nature. In practical terms, meditation involves concentrating on a single thought or mental image to the exclusion of all others.

Meditation is practiced in various forms the world over. It's a cornerstone of New Age religions, but meditation of one style or another can also be found in most of the major religions, including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. The following quotes focus on meditating on Jesus while praying, which can perhaps be more aptly termed "meditative prayer."

We inhabit physical bodies, but we are spiritual beings living spiritual lives. Meditative prayer helps us to get in touch with the spiritual elements.

Giving Jesus our focused, undivided attention strengthens our relationship with Him. Just as we each need some time alone with those dearest to us, He wants time alone with us.

Meditation has physical benefits, especially for the nervous system. Stress and tension negatively impact our health in various ways—raising blood pressure or accelerating the aging process, for example. It stands to reason, then, that relieving stress would pay off in better health, and it does. Resting the mind has a profound effect on brain activity, which results in a slower heart rate, lower blood pressure, and a reduction in stress hormones—and the nervous system gets temporary relief. If meditation is practiced regularly, these beneficial changes become relatively permanent.

Whatever happens to occupy our thoughts or drive our actions at any given moment is not the all in all. Meditation reminds us that there's more to life than what meets the eye.

Meditation helps us get our priorities right. Distancing ourselves from our day-to-day activities, even if only for a few minutes, gives us a fresh perspective on them.

When we draw closer to Jesus through meditation, He takes our minds off our problems and concerns for a time and empties us of our own thoughts about them. Later, when we must face those problems again, He is more easily able to give us His mind on the matter—solutions we hadn't been able to find on our own.


By Jessie Richards

Sometimes I just like to sit here silently with You.
You already know.
You already understand.
I don't have to say the right thing, or anything at all;
You accept me.
You see my thoughts as they form and dance.
Words could never aptly express them.
You could verbalize Your every thought perfectly,
Yet You sometimes choose silence too.
There's just something about being together,
Not having to say a thing,
Because we feel it‚ we sense it‚ we know it.

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